A Silver Lining To An Odd Year

20,000 Photos In 2020!!











































For the past 10 years I have set a personal/professional goal of taking 20,000 photos per year. It's a nice round number that requires a lot of time and effort, which is exactly why I picked it. Taking this many photos requires that I be active as a photographer in every month of the year. If I reach 20,000, then I feel as though I have earned the title, "Nature Photographer." So, it was with great satisfaction that I surpassed this number for only the 3rd time during one of the most ridiculously strange years.

# 5,000 - May

The year started off on a VERY slow note, but the thousand-per-month rate that would keep me in the running for the record pace was maintained and I managed to take photo #5,000 in the 5th month of the year.

I should point out that out of a collection of 20,000 photos only 20 will be pictures that actually represent one of the "thousands." Thus, they are not always great photos. This picture of a male chestnud-sided warbler is the perfect example of a benchmark photo that just didn't quite measure up to s publishable photo.



#10,000 - July

I was watching that osprey nest for hours and I would occasionally find my attention wandering. At one point this little song sparrow flew up out of the vegetation and landed on the railing of the boardwalk. The bird was within range so I turned and fired off a few shots. This one just happened to be photo #10,000.

#15,000 - August

August was a magical month this year. had been home since March due to the school closures and my visit to Cape Cod was already over a month in the past. On a beautiful morning I headed down to the Thinking Chair and took this photo of Joe-pye weed along the way.

#20,000 - December

It was the day of the great blizzard of 2020. On December 16th I poked my head outside before going to bed and I saw a few flakes falling. Eight hours later, when I awoke on December 17th there were 2 feet of snow on the ground and hours to go before the storm ended. School was canceled because of power outages and I took advantage of the situation to take photos of the birds at my feeders. This beautiful female red-bellied woodpecker posed in a lilac bush for photo #20,000 and I didn't miss.


Copyright 2020 William Danielson